Wednesday 9 July 2014

A Pawfect reason to blog.

I'm not new to Blogger. I've blogged in the past. You know, the usual stuff - random ramblings of a mum and the comings and goings of raising children. I was certainly not a blogging superstar, but i hope to my 6 followers, they  enjoyed it, even if it was just occasionally. 

It is now time for out with the old, in with the new.I ended my old blog quite some time ago. I got dissatisfied with the lack of followers, frustrated that my Mummy blog was not being mobbed my followers, whilst others were big hits with readers. I had my number one fan (my devoted Hubby) but i wanted more. I just wanted to think that somewhere out there, somebody thought what i had to say was interesting.

This time though, this is different. This is my place to vent, to reflect and to share. Perhaps, i may only be sharing with my number one fan, but regardless of whether anyone starts to follow this blog, it is somewhere to put my thoughts. This blog is about one thing in general. Animals. Perhaps, animals of all shapes and sizes, but for the most part, this blog will be related to domestic animals, specifically dogs and cats. Maybe that sounds boring, perhaps your already thinking, ok... crazy cat lady... which is ok, cause my Hubby calls me that anyway, but this blog has come out of necessity to me, it has come out of a need of dealing with my frustrations and feelings about the way pets are neglected and often tossed aside like garbage, when the next big exciting thing comes along and the lack of human responsibility when it comes to owning pets. 

I've always been a big softie when it comes to animals. Those big eyes, those furry faces, i just can't resist. I think as i get older, i'm getting somewhat worse and i have to fight all inner urges and impractical thoughts to want to bring them all home to live with me and i've always felt heartbroken when animals have to suffer because of irresponsible pet owners. It is only in the last couple of months, that i have really struggled with my frustrations and emotions on this subject. Losing a beloved pet (which i will blog about later) really opened my eyes to just how cruel and careless human beings can be. It makes me mad, really mad and i get angry and sad and upset and i want to share a billion facebook statuses on just how mad it makes me. But, i can't. I have shared on facebook in the past. I share with my family quite often (thankfully they are animal lovers too and share the same point of view) and i often vent to my Hubby. But this, this is a place i can put all those feelings without bombarding facebook, or family or my hubby. If someone reads it, then great, i hope you like, but if not, well, this is for me. 

Please remember, the opinions expressed in this blog, are mine only. You may agree with them, you may not agree, but please be respectful either way. 

And so, here's to something paw-fect.


Unknown said...

Welcome back MY Crazy Lady.